The Office of the Ombudsman welcomed Justice Mariflor Punzalan-Castillo as the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor. Led by Ombudsman Samuel Martires, together with other officials and employees, the office welcomed back Punzalan-Castillo, who started her legal career as an investigator in the Office of the Tanodbayan in 1979, a position she served until 1985 when she was appointed as Prosecutor in the same Office. In 1989, she was promoted as Special Prosecution Officer III in the Office of the Special Prosecutor where, she served for four years.
She then joined the Judiciary as Presiding Judge of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City from 1993 to 1999, and later, as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City from 1999 to 2004. In 2004, Punzalan-Castillo was appointed Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals and retired as Presiding Justice immediately prior to her appointment as Special Prosecutor.
Justice Punzalan-Castillo will serve as the 8th Special Prosecutor and will serve her term until 2031. ###
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