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Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-11) with COSMOTECH PHILIPPINES, INC. for PB 2024-05: Public Bidding for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Configuration, Mounting and Testing of Biometric Device for the Office of the Ombudsman/ Conforme date: 03 October 2024/ Date of posting: 04 October 2024

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-11) with COSMOTECH PHILIPPINES, INC. for PB 2024-05: Public Bidding for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Configuration, Mounting and Testing of Biometric Device for the Office of the Ombudsman/ Conforme date: 03 October 2024/ Date of...

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-10) with NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES GLOBAL INC. for PB 2024-06: Public Bidding for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Configuration, Dismantling, Migration, and Testing of Network Infrastructure System for the Office of the Ombudsman/

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-10) with NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES GLOBAL INC. for PB 2024-06: Public Bidding for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Configuration, Dismantling, Migration, and Testing of Network Infrastructure System for the Office of the...

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-08) with TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PB 2024-03: Public Bidding for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Migration, Configuration, Commissioning, and Testing of One (1) Lot of IP PBX Telephone System for the Office of the Ombudsman/ Date of Contract: 20 August 2024/ Date of posting: 04 September 2024/

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-08) with TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PB 2024-03: Public Bidding for the Supply, Delivery, Installation, Migration, Configuration, Commissioning, and Testing of One (1) Lot of IP PBX Telephone System for the Office of the Ombudsman/...

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-001-GAO) with Maintenance of Airconditioning and Refrigeration Co., Inc. (MARCO) for PB 2024-01-GAO: Supply, Delivery and Installation of Six (6) Brand-new Air-conditioning Units for CREMEB/OMB-Luzon/

Contract Agreement (CA No. 2024-001-GAO) with Maintenance of Airconditioning and Refrigeration Co., Inc. (MARCO) for PB 2024-01-GAO: Supply, Delivery and Installation of Six (6) Brand-new Air-conditioning Units for CREMEB/OMB-Luzon/ download...