MDGF-1919: Enhancing Access to and Provision of Water Services with the Active Participation of the Poor


Referred to as MDGF 1919, the UNDP-assisted Joint Programme Enhancing Access to and Provision of Water Services with the Active Participation of the Poor focuses on institutional strengthening to complement the infrastructural interventions in the water and sanitation sector, mainly in thirty-six waterless municipalities. The main outcomes of the Joint Programme (JP), which are in line with the Philippine Water Supply Sector Road Map are: (1) Investment support mechanisms shall have been established for poor communities/municipalities to improve efficiency, access, affordability and quality of affordable water; and (2) enhanced local capacities to develop, operate and manage water utilities by fostering participation in decisions relating to water service provision.

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Baseline Survey Guidelines-Vol1

Baseline Survey Guidelines-Vol2

Baseline Survey Guidelines-Vol3

Baseline Survey Guidelines-Vol4

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